These blog posts are meant to share what we have learned as Master Gardener Volunteers through online media with blogs and Facebook posts. This past year visits to our web pages have increased by 86% with 2,430 visits.
A new feature included a subscription service that sends an email when a new post is available. See how to subscribe with the information on the left sidebar. Blog posts gave growing tips, plant profiles, and event announcements along with garden advice. In all over 5,000 web pages were viewed that provided access to information with a local twist. Thank you for joining us. We look forward to providing our readers with even more gardening know-how in 2020.
Master Gardener Volunteers provided a children’s program resulting in eighty-five (85) kids attending in the Teaching and Display Garden at the Spooner Research Station in 2019.
Topics covered: Planting our Garden and Construction of a Bug Condo; Composting We Go and Magical Hummingbirds; Yoga in the Garden; Marvelous Monarchs and Pollinators; and Apples, Apples, Apples and Painting Friendship Rocks. Each session consisted of a story walk, a hands-on presentation, a nutritious snack, an activity related to the subject of the day, planting and weeding their raised bed gardens, a square foot garden and salad garden, and refilling the hummingbird feeders. Plans are in place for a 2020 program. Be sure to check back in the spring for event announcements and schedules. Master Gardener Volunteers planted tended and harvested two Spooner school gardens, resulting in 120 students attending. The children learned about gardening, and healthy eating from seed to fork.
The produce was turned over to the cafeteria workers to make a harvest soup and the overabundance of carrots and potatoes was donated to the food pantry so members in our community with food insecurities could have fresh produce. |
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