County fairs are the highlight of the summer season in NW Wisconsin rural communities. They bring folks together like no other events and provides a showcase for area agriculture--the economic engine that makes rural life possible. From farm animals and machinery to home canning and crafts, the county fair is a great place to see what's happening in your community. Exhibiting and competing is not just for 4H kids. Everyone can get involved. And the more involved you are, the more fun it is. If you have never exhibited at your local county fair, you don't know what you are missing!
Now is the time to get started while deadlines are still a ways off. There are many divisions and categories to choose from from livestock and pets to clothing, arts, photography, woodworking, computers, food and nutrition and of course veggies, plants and flowers! The open divisions allow adults to enjoy the fair experience and some friendly competition. Not only can you share your gardening prowess, and enjoy the entries of your fellow gardeners, there are often cash premiums awarded for ribbon winners. And then there are the bragging rights!! To get started, check-out the county specific information listed below. For gardeners, you may be especially interested in the agricultural divisions of Plant & Soil Science or Flowers & House Plants. Check out these publications available through UW Madison Extension Learning Store ( A3306 “Exhibiting and Judging Vegetables" and A2935 “Evaluating and Judging Flowers and Indoor Plants” for guidance and helpful tips. Entries are judged on freshness, uniformity, and quality. Entries should be precisely the number and type listed in the Exhibitor’s Handbook for each fair. An entry form is required by a due date specified for each fair. Fair books with the entry forms are available online at the sites listed below. They can also be found locally at various stores and businesses. Burnett County Fair/ Grantsburg August 22-25, 2019 (deadline for pre-registration August 8) Central Burnett County Fair/ Webster September 20-22, 2019 (deadline for pre-registration September 12)
Article and photos submitted by Pamela Davies MGV
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