A “Fall Garden Walking Tour” will be held on Saturday September 25 from 10 am until 11 am at the Spooner Ag Research Station Teaching and Display Garden. This outdoor walking tour and discussion is sponsored by UW-Madison Division of Extension and North Country Master Gardener Volunteers. There is no cost to attend. The Display Garden is located on Orchard Lane ½ mile east of the stop lights in Spooner off Hwy 70. Watch for Garden meeting signs.
Master Gardener Volunteers will walk participants through the Monarch and Pollinator Sanctuary Garden and explain appropriate fall clean up techniques for perennial and annual plants, seed saving and other fall gardening activities. Kevin Schoessow, Area Agriculture Development Agent will discuss protecting fruit trees from winter injuries, fall lawn maintenance, and how leaves can be turned into next year’s mulch. For more information and contact Kevin Schoessow at the Spooner Area UWEX office at 715-635-3506 or 1-800-528-1914.
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